Bijzonder verjaardagsfeestje in Honduras!

I could go on and on about that little cutie in the middle, but today something monumental happened in the life of this child.

Today, he had his very first birthday party.

He’s been with us for a few months now, but it seems like longer. Since the very first birthday party he witnessed months ago he has been talking about this day. How he wanted his cake, what he wanted to eat, what kind of pi...ñata, what he wanted as a gift. The countdown has been on for the last few months!

Days like this often leave me thinking about the first birthday celebrations that are to come. Inevitably, we will give more children their first birthday party. I think about what they might want, the way their eyes might light up just like Oscar’s today.

I hate that he had to wait 9 years to be celebrated like this, but I pray that someday his heart knows that even before he came home to us, we celebrated him.

(The Children's Home Project)